Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men worldwide, with an estimated 1,600,000 cases and 366,000 deaths per year worldwide. Despite advances, cancer is a disease of the prostate, which remains a significant medical problem for affected men, with late diagnosis, overtreatment of benign disease, and inadequate therapies for metastatic prostate cancer.
Do you wish to know more about Prostate Biopsy? Click Here.
The stages of prostate cancer are multi-step processes, beginning as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), followed by localized prostate cancer, and then locally invasive advanced prostate adenocarcinoma, culminating in metastatic prostate cancer.
Signs and Symptoms.
Early-stage prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms. Symptoms of more advanced prostate cancer can sometimes be:
If you notice any of the symptoms, see a health professional.
Treatment of prostate cancer depends on grade, stage, and age, and ranges from active surveillance to a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Radiation therapy and radical or partial organ removal are the most common treatments, with procedure-related side effects ranging from 3.2 to 31% for urinary incontinence and 58 to 79% for erectile dysfunction.
These side effects can seriously affect quality of life. Active surveillance is appropriate for low-risk prostate cancer. Intermediate-risk patients are usually offered active treatment, but treatment regret has been reported in about 15%, especially due to impaired sexual and urinary function.
Targeted cancer treatment.
Ablation aims to maintain the oncologic benefit of active treatment options and reduce the risk of side effects by sparing noncancerous tissue.
The anatomical situation of the prostate makes it an organ accessible by different routes (transurethral, transperineal, transrectal, suprapubic), which is why it has always been an attractive organ to apply what we can generically call minimally invasive ablative treatments.
These are procedures whose purpose is to achieve the eradication of the disease with the least possible side effects and allowing the preservation of the organ in question.
Cryoablación: Cold ablation demonstrates some benefits over other treatments used in prostate cancer. It respects the neighboring structures, blood loss is minimal and represents an alternative in those patients who are not suitable for surgery or radiotherapy.
Irreversible Electroporation: Ablation with electrical impulses has demonstrated safety and feasibility. Low side effects, free of metastasis and 100% survival.
Thermal ablation is primarily used for the treatment of small, unresectable tumors, for patients who have been resistant to chemo/radiotherapy treatment or who are NOT surgical candidates, such as:
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We are CRYO Group, a company specialized in fighting cancer.