Lung Cancer

Tratamiento para el Cáncer de Pulmón

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. This is largely because it is initially asymptomatic and is usually discovered in later stages. Lung cancer diagnosis using computed tomography has recently been shown to have great benefits, and implementation of this practice is growing. Once lung cancer is suspected, it must be diagnosed and staged, and there are recent guidelines to assist in this process. Treatment is determined by the type of lung cancer and the stage of the lung cancer, and there are a number of personalized therapies that didn’t exist just a few years ago.

Signs and Symptoms.

The most common initial symptoms of lung cancer are:

If lung cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it can cause:

If you notice any of the symptoms, see a health professional.


For early-stage lung cancer or small lung metastases, surgical resection is the preferred treatment. The extent of removal depends on the size and location of the tumor, as well as the patient’s preoperative lung reserve. Chemotherapy is recommended as treatment for completely resected stage II lung cancer, but usually not stage I.

Targeted cancer treatment

For those with early stage (I) lung cancer, who are not candidates for surgery, percutaneous ablation for selected peripheral tumors, such as radiofrequency ablation, microwave, cryoablation, is recommended.

Lung tumor cryoablation has a local tumor control rate of 94.6% at 12-month follow-up, associated with well-tolerated treatment. Percutaneous cryoablation for the treatment of lung metastases is safe and early local tumor control rates are promising and competitive with other contemporary technologies (de Baere et al, J Thorac Oncol. 2015).

Thermal ablation is primarily used for the treatment of small, unresectable tumors, for patients who have been resistant to chemo/radiotherapy treatment or who are NOT surgical candidates, such as:

  • Obese patients
  • Patients with chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cirrhosis, etc.)
  • Patients who cannot have general anesthesia
  • Patients with severe heart disease

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