Our Technologies

We offer comprehensive services to the health sector.

  • We have all the ablative technologies of the country clinically proven in the world.
  • We have a network of physicians across the country who has the expertise to use our equipment.
  • We have extensive experience managing teams to fight cancer.
  • Our General Director has more than 1,300 ablations performed.

«We not only have cutting-edge technology but we also have the expertise and the necessary equipment to be able to respond to any unforeseen event that may occur in any medical intervention»


Procedure: Fusion and Navigation Biopsy  · Manufacturer: Eigen Health

Image fusion: it´s the process of alignment and juxtaposition of images obtained by two or more imaging modalities, it merges anatomical information obtained from different modalities at different times, making a spatial co-registration.

Medical Specialty:

Uroligist – Radiologist

Organs it can treat:



Bleeding in urine.
Presence of bleeding in semen.
Difficulty urinating.


How long does the procedure take?

Phase 1
Duration 5 minutes
The doctor does the planning on the computer.
MRI files are obtained and imaging planning is done.

Phase 2
Duration 10 minutes
Planning on the ultrasound that is done with the patient in the room.

Phase 3
Duration 10 minutes.
Time to obtain biopsies.

Rent Kit

Ultrasound if necessary.
In all procedures, assistance is provided by a specialized technician who supports the use of the equipment and planning the procedure.

Learn more about Artemis technology. Innovation in prostate biopsies with image fusion and 3D navigation. Visit the specialized website >


Procedure: Cryoablation · Manufacturer: Varian

Es un tratamiento mínimamente invasivo que destruye tumores con frio extremo controlado, preservando el tejido sano que le rodea mediante el congelamiento in situ.

Medical Specialty:
Urologists – Radiologists – Oncologists – Hepatologists – Specialist Surgeons

Organs it can treat:

Prostate · Kidney · Liver · Lung · Bone · Others


Open Surgery, Percutaneus, Laparoscopic


It is not recommended for tumors larger than 6cm. It is not recommended for prostates larger than 50 cc.


It does not cauterize, so the bleeding can be large causing hemorrhage.
Requires hemostatic.
Rectal fistula 0.5%.
Erectile dysfunction 50% (only in the case of complete gland destruction).

How long does the procedure take?

A typical application lasts 40 minutes, completing its 2 cycles:
Cool 10 minutes
Heat 10 minutes
Cool 10 minutes
Heat 10 minutes

The natural defrost lasts 20min.
The entire procedure takes approximately two hours.

Rent Kit

1 unit rent Cryocare cs machine for ENDOCARE surgical procedure.
1 cylinder of high purity, high pressure 6,000 psi argon gas
1 cylinder of 4,000 psi high-pressure, high-purity helium gas
4 ENDOCARE initial base cryoprobes. Different calibers.
Ultrasound rental according to the approach performed.

In all procedures, assistance is provided by a specialized technician who supports the use of the equipment and planning the procedure.

Learn more about cryoablation technology and treatment. Cryoablation is a safe and effective treatment, proven worldwide. Visit the specialized website >


Procedure: Irreversible Electroporation · Manufacturer: AngioDynamics

It is the death of tissues by means of electrical impulses, generating apoptosis.

Medical Specialty:
Urologists – Radiologists – Hepatologists – Specialist Surgeon

Organs it can treat:

Prostate · Pancreas · Liver · Kidney · Others


Open Surgery, Percutaneuo or Laparoscopic.


Lesion ablation:
In the thoracic area with cardiac implants, pacemakers or defibrillators.
Near implants with electronic devices or metal parts.
In eyes, including eyelids.
History with recent myocardial infarction.
Impossibility of administration of general anesthesia or neuromuscular blockade.
Symptomatic coronary insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmia, or heart failure.
Recent seizures.


Generation of electrical pulses with the possibility of stimulating muscle contraction or inducing cardiac arrhythmias.
Risks associated with general anesthesia and muscle paralysis.
Resources, time and costs required for general anesthesia.
Need for high precision in electrode placement.
Risk of bleeding, due to the non-possibility of coagulation in the area close to the insertion of the electrodes.

How long does the procedure take?

For each pair of electrodes, 90 impulses are generated in approximately 1 minute and a half.
The surgery lasts between 45 and 90 minutes (depending on the number of foci to be treated).

Rent Kit

Disposable monopolar electrodes (available in two sizes: 15 and 25 cm)
Heart rate monitor to synchronize shocks (30).
In all procedures, assistance is provided by a specialized technician who supports the use of the equipment and planning the procedure.

Learn more about Irreversible Electroporation treatment with Nanoknife® technology. State-of-the-art technology, specialized in non-thermal ablation of locally advanced tumors. Visit the specialized website >


Procedure: Microwave · Manufacturer: Angiodynamics

The Microwave system generates electromagnetic waves, that is, the cells are excited, which generate friction and produce heat, generating cell death by necrosis.

Medical Specialty:
Radiologists – Oncologists – Hepatologists – Specialist Surgeons – Urologists – Others

Organs it can treat:

Kidney · Liver


Open Surgery, Percutaneous or Laparoscopic.


Do not treat injuries very close to the neck or any delicate structure, because the heat can damage unwanted areas.

How long does the procedure take?

For ablations of 5 to 7cm, 6 minutes per needle.

Rent Kit

Antennas and/or probes for ablation
In all procedures, assistance is provided by a specialized technician who supports the use of the equipment and planning the procedure.

Learn more about Solero technology. The best technology for Microwave tissue ablation. Visit the specialized website >

RF Medical

Procedure: Radiofrecuency · Manufacturer: RF Medical

It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses electrical energy and heat to destroy cancer cells. RF uses electrical pulses to heat a probe that is placed into the tumor, producing death by necrosis.

Medical Specialty:
Radiologists – Oncologists – Endocrinologists – Specialist Surgeons

Organs it can treat:

Varicose Veins · Thyroids · Saphenous Vein · Kidney · Liver


Open Surgery, Percutaneous or Laparoscopic.


Burn unwanted areas. Therefore, it is not recommended when the tumor comes into contact with blood vessels or vital ducts.
It is not recommended in very advanced tumors or with metastases.


There are benign and transient complications such as gastroparesis or diaphragmatic elevation and other potentially fatal complications such as cardiac tamponade.

How long does the procedure take?

It is a procedure that lasts approximately 12 minutes.

Rent Kit

Antennas and/or probes for ablation.
Electrodes for grounding.
In all procedures, assistance is provided by a specialized technician who supports the use of the equipment and planning the procedure.

Learn more about RF Medical technology. Treatment that uses image guidance, to have a minimally invasive approach. Visit the specialized website >


Procedure: Intravesical thermochemotherapy · Manufacturer: COMBAT Medical LTD

It is a technology that seeks to optimize chemotherapy treatment for bladder cancer patients, through hyperthermic MMC recirculation.

Medical Specialty:

Urologists – Oncologists

Organs it can treat:



Hypersensitivity or reaction to the chemotherapy agent.
Urethral stricture.


Urethral stricture.

How long does the procedure take?

The application lasts two hours, once a week.

The treatment has between 10 and 20 applications per patient.

Rent Kit

Combat Technology.
Antennas and/or probes for the procedure.

Learn more about HIVEC technology. Intravesical recirculation chemotherapy with hyperthermia for the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Visit the specialized website >


Procedure: Robotic Laparoscopy · Manufacturer: DEX Surgical

It is an application to make laparoscopy easier and safer. Seeks that the surgeon is more efficient, has flexion and obtains better results in procedures with sutures and complicated cuts.

Medical Specialty:

Laparoscopic doctor in all its different specialties.

Organs it can treat:

Radical prostatectomy · Partial nephrectomy.

Any laparoscopic application in: Urology and gynecology · General Surgery.


That the doctor does not know how to use it.
Any complication related to a laparoscopic procedure.

How long does the procedure take?

It is a device that supports the doctor to be more efficient, the time usually depends on the type of operation to be performed. Its installation requires only 5 minutes. It is reusable and washable.

Rent Kit:

The Robotic Arm with its three parts: Control and Actuator

Working instrument. We have 3 options:
-Needle holder pliers.
-Monopolar scissors.
-Monopolar Maryland clamp.

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We are CRYO Group, a company specialized in worldwide proven technology to fight cancer.